February 5, 2009

58th Street Steampunk

The city seems like it runs on steam in the winter or summer. On a very cold day, it certainly makes you wonder what is going on beneath the steamy streets of the city.


  1. Looks both awesome and terrible!

  2. Look out, lady - she's gonna blow!

    Steam powers the elevators in the Empire State Building, I think. Have to look into that one.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I'm always worried that the manhole covers are going to explode from all the pressure. It happens from time to time and they shoot up in the air. Those things are heavy.

  4. Oh, it really is real? I've always thought this was just a thing that looks great in the movies :)

  5. Yes, it's real. There are these steam pipes up all over the city. The cabs and buses have to navigate around them. After you've lived here for a while you completely forget they exist.

  6. Thank you Babooshka. Coming from such a good photographer as yourself, that's a huge compliment. I wish I had half the technical skills on how to work my camera as you do!


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