July 3, 2009

Oreo Truck!

It's a pretty great day when the Oreo Truck pulls up outside your building. I totally want some Oreo Fun Stix cause they look amazing and elephants are great. Don't you think?

This should be the U.S. tour vehicle for Civil Civic. I received a very nice email this morning from Aaron (the guitarist and noisemaker in the band. He was psyched for the mention on this here site and wanted the Doritos Truck, but the Oreo Truck is way better since it is America's Favorite Cookie. I am curious why the American flag is printed backwards on the truck. Anyway, if you haven't gone and downloaded their song I recommend it.


  1. I think the flag faces rearward b/c Nabisco is showing how slender Europeans feel about Americans gorging on Oreo cookies.

  2. Europeans are just jealous that we can eat so many Oreo cookies and they have to eat boring breadsticks.

  3. The flag is backwards because the way the wind would be blowing it when the truck is in motion. It's like on military vehicles too.


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