Last Friday night on the streets of the West Village. This plaid-suited pair sauntered along as a large group of friends and acquaintances ate dinner outside.
Here's a smart tip, good manners go a long way. So always remember when you return your suits to the closet that there's no need to be offensive to someone you just met. Even if you are wearing a goofy plaid suit.
Ah, New York! Kieslowski once said that when he was in New York he had the feeling that it was all going to cave in at some point. Around 1985 Kieslowski was riding a taxi when the taxi driver accidentally hit a cyclist (perhaps dressed like these gents). A traffic jam built up and being in a hurry, Kieslowski decided to run for the Lincoln Center where he was due to appear. Anyway, he found himself being chased through Central Park by taxi-drivers with baseball bats who thought he must have mugged this taxi-driver. Kieslowski said in an interview that he was running for his life then... Apparently, New York has improved a lot since then!!
Thanks for the comment Alexandre. Kieslowski is one of my favorite filmmakers.
I don't think the city has changed all that much. Reminds me of the time this summer that the homeless guy chased me down the street for taking his picture.
the Gilbert & George of NYC perhaps?
Ah, New York! Kieslowski once said that when he was in New York he had the feeling that it was all going to cave in at some point. Around 1985 Kieslowski was riding a taxi when the taxi driver accidentally hit a cyclist (perhaps dressed like these gents). A traffic jam built up and being in a hurry, Kieslowski decided to run for the Lincoln Center where he was due to appear. Anyway, he found himself being chased through Central Park by taxi-drivers with baseball bats who thought he must have mugged this taxi-driver. Kieslowski said in an interview that he was running for his life then... Apparently, New York has improved a lot since then!!
Thanks for the comment Alexandre. Kieslowski is one of my favorite filmmakers.
I don't think the city has changed all that much. Reminds me of the time this summer that the homeless guy chased me down the street for taking his picture.
They are trying WAY too hard to be the Gilbert and George of NYC. Sorry, that's already been done guys. So derivative.
Yes! Well, at least they wouldn't be hit by a London bus at night wearing those suits - or would they?! À bientôt. :-)
One can only hope.
ha, these fellows look like they are wearing curtains. I'm sure they were noticed by all.
I am really wondering who Gilbert and George are? Never heard of them!
Plaid suits are huggable.
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