October 5, 2011

To Hell With The Devil

After receiving some really encouraging and super nice emails from around the world, it looks like there are some people that actually do enjoy my blog and photos. So consider my arm twisted and I'm starting it up again.

Here's a picture from an opening of Jonas Mekas film strips at the Agnes B. store in Soho about a week and a half ago.

Expect more regular updates and photos from now on. Thanks for all the notes.


  1. Chris, I'm so glad you decided to blog again. I think it is necessary and inevitable for creatively brilliant people to feel uninspired at times. It gets tedious if it lasts too long, but it lends to healthy introspection and an eventual renewal of the creative process that can not be easily achieved otherwise. Good for you!

  2. amazing post! u've done really excellent job!! thanks a lot for sharing with us.

  3. excellent photography! I've found lots of nice work on your blog. thanks a lot for sharing with us.

  4. Hi Chris. I struggle sometimes too, my 3rd blogversary this week. Earlier this year I realised that a couple of days missed here and there is no big deal. I spend too long worrying about the quality of the photos but in reality it does not matter. Jennifer is right too.

  5. Don't be discouraged by lack of comments - you're a good photographer with an eye for the quirky aspects of life, which is always going to interest people. You just have to keep plugging away... I enjoyed the browse.


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