April 29, 2010
Who's Making the Donuts?

Pixie Taxi

It's always a little awkward to hail down a taxi cab. You can't really pose or look great doing it. You just flail your arm out there and hope for the best. She seems to be doing a good job looking good and getting a cab.
27th Street,
Park Avenue,
Traffic Cone Hair

I also took notice of her nice colorful flats which fit well with her hair. Maybe she needs a Paul Smith toothbrush or two (see below)?
42nd Street,
Madison Avenue
Brushes of Teeth

I'm sticking with a Spinbrush (now curiously owned by Arm & Hammer) or an Oral B because they're the best. But if I was deciding on style alone I'd go with one of these colorful brushes. I should get a few spare ones for the country house or the private jet for guests who forget their toiletries.
16th Street,
5th Avenue,
Paul Smith
April 28, 2010
Quick Getaway Vehicle
April 25, 2010
So Long, My Friend
Living in a busy city like New York, it's often easy to forget the important role our furry friends play in our lives. But there they are, day after day, week after week and year after year. Every time you open the apartment door, they run to greet you or turn over from their napping place and give you a knowing glance, happy that you are home to give them some attention and affection. They gladly return the loving feelings and brush up against you or meow affectionately at the door. Our pets are a constant in our lives, an important part of the family, and a reminder of a quieter existence behind closed doors that is far from the hustle and bustle of the quick pace in this busy metropolis.
Mr. Orange was a very independent and super feisty cat. This attitude perhaps came from his early life on the streets or maybe it was just his natural strong-minded spirit. He never liked to be restrained or held for long periods and would always squirm free from any attempt to hold him down. That's not to say he wasn't friendly. In fact, it was quite the opposite with OJ. He would always come right over, no matter who you were, in order to know what was going on and see who you were. He loved to jump up next to you or climb on you, provided of course that you didn't try to prevent him from making a prompt and easy getaway. He was extremely curious, endlessly interested in whatever was going on and eager to prove that he was rightfully the center of attention. He liked to crawl in boxes and shopping bags and climb on the highest thing he could find in the apartment. He loved loud music and always jumped up on my desk whenever I played a song that he seemed to like. There are many, many wonderful memories of OJ that make me happy. He met all my friends, either in person, on the phone meowing in the background, in pictures or even via webcam. He was very much a multimedia cat and he excelled at using all types of technology.
It's only been a few short hours since he died this afternoon and already I am reminded of both his presence and his absence. His bowls are no longer in their place near the refrigerator. He is no longer here waiting for me in his favorite place on his soft cashmere blanket or running into the kitchen. When I came home tonight, I realized that the first thing I would always do when I entered the front door is to call him by one of his many nicknames and look for him to see what he was doing or where he was hanging out. It's very sad to realize that he will no longer be there for me. I'm very sad he's gone and I'll miss him a lot.
April 21, 2010
Lilac Season

My sister and I used to drive to New Jersey every spring around this time when she still lived in the city. We'd go shopping at the mall on a Saturday afternoon and have a great lunch at Friendly's and then we'd drive around until we would find a lilac patch on the side of the road where they grow wild. After locating an especially bountiful patch, we would jump out of her car and run and grab as many as we could possibly carry in our arms. We would rush back to her car after picking what seemed like enough lilacs to fill her entire trunk. Since my sister doesn't live anywhere near New York any longer, I would appreciate it if anybody reading this who knows anyone in New Jersey to please tell them to fill up their car with lilacs and deliver a boatload of them to my apartment. They make everything smell so nice. They used to have lilac soap at Neiman Marcus that my mother would get me for Christmas. I'll take a case of that too!
6th Avenue,
Houston Street
April 19, 2010
Lobster Lunch
Trash Can Lunch

April 18, 2010
No Smoking Sign
April 16, 2010
Waverly Inn

Best awkward Waverly Inn moment for Donny Deutsch at 6:20 here. It almost seems he's angling for a date, doesn't it? Nice job on making the girl cry. Probably not the best way to ask Ashley for a date, Donny.
Bank Street,
Waverly Inn,
Waverly Street
April 13, 2010
Burger Mania

43rd Street,
HB Burger
Missing Presumed Missing

Oranges and Tulips
April 12, 2010
Poland in Grief

37th Street,
Madison Avenue,
The Power of Words

The exhibit that inspired my visit is a small trove of ten letters from J.D. Salinger to his friend Michael Mitchell who designed the cover to "The Catcher in the Rye." Four of the letters were on display in two glass cases when I visited. The rest are scheduled to be exhibited in the coming weeks. It was a very unique experience to wait in a short line and then crowd around the display cases in a large and dark book-lined room to read his one and two page personal typewritten letters from the 50s and 60s. My favorite line in the letters was this one: "It's a big shitty world, and it gets shittier by the minute." I am glad to see that Salinger was so optimistic after all his literary success. No wonder he never published anything after 1965.
36th Street,
J.D. Salinger,
Madison Avenue,
Morgan Library
April 8, 2010
Color Coordination
Tribeca Twins
Tulips on Park Avenue
Not Her Week
Unseasonably Warm
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