March 29, 2010
Slicing Nova Lox

Shopping for Cheese

575 Broadway,
80th Street,
Making Bagels

575 Broadway,
80th Street,
Bagels Delivered Fresh Overnight

March 27, 2010
March 25, 2010
Team Hulk or Team Frankenstein

I spotted these exceptionally collectible boxes of sugar-filled Twilight: New Moon Sweethearts candies at Duane Reade. Totally guaranteed to rot your teeth and make you even more brain dead than you already thought you were.
Duane Reade,
New Moon,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner
Robert Downey Jr.'s Graffiti Truck

Have you noticed that a lot of celebs driving around Manhattan are opting to go with the somewhat smaller graffiti van rental? They are a little easier to park than their larger cousins, the much in demand graffiti trucks.
56th Street,
6th Avenue,
Graffiti Truck
March 23, 2010
Pipe on the Avenue

March 22, 2010
Where is Brianna?
March 21, 2010
Making Your Way

33rd Street,
6th Avenue,
Herald Square,
Manhattan Problems
First Place

A block or two later another group of kids were claiming out loud to anyone in the immediate vicinity, "We won first place!" Both groups of these red-shirted-screamers can't have won first place or was this one of those postmodern contests where everyone wins a first place trophy of some sort?

March 20, 2010
Riding Dirrty
12th Street,
7th Avenue,
March 19, 2010
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

Nearly 1,000 people showed up for Ryan McGinley's latest photography exhibition early on Thursday evening. Fueled by dozens of cases of free Budweiser, the truly enormous crowd was dispersed by the fire and police department after Team Gallery and the streets of Soho were overrun by nude photography aficionados.
Pictured above: Ryan McGinley and a Fire Marshall as his opening gets shut down due to who knows how many fire code violations.
Grand Street,
Ryan McGinley,
Team Gallery
March 17, 2010
St. Patrick's Day Traffic

5th Avenue,
64th Street,
St. Patrick's Day
March 15, 2010
Spring Flowers
March 14, 2010
Times Square Mural

It's really hard to believe that nearly a half a million people come through the 42nd Street subway station every day. That's a lot of people.
42nd Street,
Roy Lichtenstein,
Times Square
The Most Fun on Broadway
Party Like A Rock Star

The rain also didn't discourage the four guys standing in the door way of Embassy Electronics from trying to drum up a little business for themselves. The intrepid young African businessman with his back to the camera (who for obvious reasons didn't want his picture taken) asked me in a very thick accent if I wanted to "party like a rock star." He then told me he had free samples of cocaine and marijuana.
47th Street,
7th Avenue,
Times Square
March 12, 2010
Cracks in the City

(On a side note, thanks to Bess for my lone blog comment yesterday. I was expecting to hear from you after my tale of broken elbows. So no thanks goes out to you comment deadbeats in Hawaii, France, Germany and at the University of Washington. You know who you are!)
42nd Street,
5th Avenue,
New York Public Library
St. Patrick's Day Cookies
Oh No, It's The Naked Cowboy

I thought he got a ton of money from M&M's and didn't have to walk around in his underwear anymore? It would actually be much cooler if he dressed up like an M&M.
It looks like TNC needs a hot oil treatment for his hair. Maybe he can get a sponsor a little bit better than Icon Parking Systems, don't you think? I hope they're paying for that prime real estate on his guitar.
45th Street,
7th Avenue,
Naked Cowboy
Sofia Ristorante Italiano

46th Street,
March 11, 2010
Look Mom, No Hands!

Usually I have pretty good luck, but this week it took a turn in the wrong direction. I was riding home late the other night up 8th Avenue and my bicycle got a flat tire. Somewhere around 38th Street a small metal spring with a very sharp point got lodged in the rear tire and all the air came hissing out. I had to walk it home about 20 blocks. The next day I hiked over to 9th Avenue where I found a great bike shop that fixed my bicycle in about five minutes flat (no pun intended). They were quick, inexpensive and friendly, I had the brakes adjusted, the flat repaired, the tires inflated and everything was just great. Or so I thought.
About 10 minutes later on my way home, I was stopping right in the middle of Times Square and I hit the brakes. I guess I really wasn't totally prepared for the brakes to work so well. I went head over heels right over the handlebars and landed flat on my right arm in the middle of the street. My newly fixed bike came tumbling down right on top of me. I hopped right up and told the few people who asked, "I'm fine, I'm fine." Turns out I wasn't so fine. After a very painful night's sleep, I called the doctor first thing this morning and spent a very long day at the doctor's office. I waited at the radiology department downstairs getting four or five x-rays and then there was, of course, a very long wait for the orthopedist as well. I was smart to anticipate that you always have to wait at the doctor's office and I brought along Peter Hedges excellent new book, The Heights. After hours and hours of waiting around I found out that I have a fractured right elbow. It's not the worst fracture in the world, but it sure hurts like hell. It looks like I won't be riding my bike very much in the near future.
(I think it's time for a roll call. How about some comments from some of my regular blog readers. If you haven't spoken up before, now's your chance. Surely someone looks at these posts.)
L’ambition d’une idée Nr. 1

11th Avenue,
22nd Street,
Elizabeth Dee,
March 7, 2010
Butt Valentine
Who Likes Chocolate?

20th Street,
5th Avenue,
March 4, 2010
Waiting for a Cab

57th Street,
6th Avenue,
March 3, 2010
Winter Wedding

47th Street,
Times Square,
Tesla Corner

40th Street,
6th Avenue,
Bryant Park,
Nikola Tesla
Shanghai Dumplings

46th Street,
6th Avenue,
4 Women at La Perla

Speaking of liking me (or not as the case may be) and for the few of you still keeping track, it looks like the first official royal boycott of 2010 is in full effect. More details as they become available.
68th Street,
La Perla,
Madison Avenue
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

March 2, 2010
Vanishing Point

It really must be something in the stars cause I can't figure it out otherwise. Anyone care to illuminate me?
March 1, 2010
Barbra Streisand's Graffiti Truck

46th Street,
6th Avenue,
Barbra Streisand,
Graffiti Truck
Johnny Depp's Graffiti Truck

Perhaps he was headed to the Gotham Coffeehouse? The customers are a little rude, but they have great coffee cake there.
2nd Avenue,
68th Street,
Graffiti Truck,
Johnny Depp
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