October 29, 2009
Horror Guitar

October 28, 2009
Esopus Magazine Issue #13

Too Much Halloween

Even though this is a good display, I'm kind of overdosed on Halloween already. I haven't even eaten much candy (oh, except for the expensive Jacques Torres chocolate I bought last weekend). It sure seems like everyone is really pushing the holiday entirely too hard this year. I'm not even sure what we are celebrating. But I do like pumpkin pie and baked pumpkin seeds.
Bleecker Street,
Ralph Lauren,
Window Display
October 27, 2009
Haunted Car Repair

11th Avenue,
50th Street,
October 26, 2009
Counting, But Not Counting Very Well

October 24, 2009
Nighttime Nine
October 21, 2009
Lutron Sets Up Camp

55th Street,
6th Avenue,
A Good Speacial
Speeding Along
October 19, 2009
The Recession Lumbers On...
Have a Nice Day?

Maybe you need a closer look? See! I was right. Zombies.

55th Street,
7th Avenue,
Rainy Wet Sunday Afternoon

6th Avenue has the weirdest pavement. It's most definitely not conducive to skateboarding.
October 18, 2009
Friendly Advice

I've been appreciating some English punk from the late 70s this past week. Here's "Typical Girls" by the Slits, one of my faves. I love the way the lead singer dances and red is always a good color for a jacket.
12th Street,
The Strand
Bad Ass Barber Shop

46th Street,
9th Avenue,
Barber Shop
October 16, 2009
Miley Cyrus on the "Sex and the City" 2 Set

To be honest, I didn't see the first movie and I wasn't a huge fan of the HBO TV series so it really isn't my thing, but it was semi-entertaining to have a major motion picture take up residence so close by my house. In case you've never visited a movie set, it is really pretty boring to stand around while it's being filmed. It seems exciting, but there's not much to see. All the good stuff happens in the editing room. It's mostly set up and waiting around time, but even still there were lots and lots of people who were milling about on 54th and 55th Streets hoping to catch a quick glimpse of a celebrity or two.
I always find it noteworthy to see how close you can get to the filming and just blend right in to the scenery. I walked right up the the area where the directors and producers sit to watch the video playback and took a couple pictures of the director's chairs with the movie logo printed on them. I should have headed over to craft service and grabbed some food since they usually have a great selection of snacks, but I wasn't feeling so bold tonight. The scene they were filming tonight was being shot outside the Zeigfeld theater on 54th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. From the looks of it (and my pictures) I think the scene calls for the actors to be going to some sort of fake lame action movie premiere called "Heart of the Desert."
Afterwards as I was walking home, I noticed a large crowd gathered in the cold (40 degrees!) around one of the actor's trailers. I assumed they were waiting for an actor to come out on the way to the set and I waited around for a few minutes outside with a bunch of tourists, foreigners and paparazzi. It sure sucks to be a paparazzo. You can cross that out for one of my potential career choices. I'm not that good of a photographer anyway so it's an easy choice to make. Plus who really wants to wait around outside in the cold and jostle with many overweight grimy men equipped with enormous cameras?
As luck would have it, after a few minutes the trailer doors opened and out popped Miley Cyrus (Miley! Hey Miley! MILEY! MILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!) surrounded by a number of police and security personnel. She seems tall. I don't know why I mention that, but it seems like that's what you are supposed to comment on when you see a celebrity in real life. I took a picture or two of her (sort of) and it was just about to rain so I went home. You can see what a madhouse it was surrounding her short walk to the set. She had nice hair and seemed way older than 16. I wanted to ask her about dumping her Twitter account, but even though she walked right by me, security was kind of tight and I forgot to ask.
Halloween Chocolate
New York has loads and loads of chocolate stores if you know where to look, but this seems to be one of the smallest ones I can possibly imagine. By the looks of it they are selling some fantastic chocolate. I couldn't really tell if its a Diane Kron chocolate shop or Kron Chocolatier or whatever the name of the store is and there wasn't any information that I could find on the internet to give me any additional clues. There wasn't even a sign on the door, but the signage in the window seems to indicate it is Kron Chocolatier. If anyone has any info on this store, please let me know.
In 1973, Diane and Tom Krön established Krön Chocolatier in New York City based on recipes from Tom's great grandfather, chocolate-maker to Emperor Franz Josef of Austro-Hungary. They soon became very famous for the quality and novelty of their chocolates (Tom invented the chocolate-covered strawberry) and opened many Krön stores across the U.S.They have a couple of stores in Los Angeles and the windows sure boasted a nice selection of Halloween chocolates. I am sure a box is way out of my price range, but I do love delicious chocolate. Would someone please tell them that "The Rolls Royce of Chocolate" is a crappy tag line. Besides Royce Chocolate is already using it. I'm happy to come up with a better sales line. How about "Great Chocolate, Really Expensive?" Rolls Royce cars aren't cheap, you know?
Among their many devoted customers were: Jacqueline Kennedy, Richard Avedon, Gregory Peck, Katherine Hepburn, Andy Warhol, Estee Lauder, Henry Ford, Walter Cronkite, etc. Diane and Tom Krön sold Krön Chocolatier in 1983 and retired from the chocolate business to travel and raise their family. New management took over and the company went in other directions.
Here's a cool video of a black cat. Seems fittingly Halloween-ish.
Smoke on the Water
October 15, 2009
October 14, 2009
Walk or Don't Walk

It's easier to decide who to vote for Mayor.
October 13, 2009
Ghost Dog
October 12, 2009
Headless Homeless

33rd Street,
6th Avenue,
October 9, 2009
Unnecessary Noise
Art Collector, October 2009

70th Street,
Lexington Avenue
Handheld Hermes

64th Street,
Madison Avenue
Green, Yellow & Blue

Abandoned Bicycles,
Lafayette Street
International Magazines

Men in the Women's Room

Times are tough, but at least he's doing his part to keep The New York Times in business.
Where The Money Is

4th Avenue,
8th Street,
Astor Place,
Just Counting Cars

It nice to see that the city still has money in the budget to keep them employed in such a worthwhile occupation. Excellent use of pencils too. You never see people using pencils anymore. You'd think since they're sitting right smack in front of the expensive Bergdorf Goodman window displays that the store would spring for some designer duds to spiffy up this intrepid duo's appearance.
This would make a really good performance art piece, don't you think?
57th Street,
5th Avenue,
Bergdorf Goodman
October 6, 2009
New Yorkers Are Not Rude

One thing we New Yorkers do love is to point out other people's rudeness. So we're used to seeing great signs like the one taped to the information desk/book pick up counter downstairs in the basement at The Strand Book Store telling us exactly how not to be rude. There are a lot of books behind the counter awaiting pickup and I can just imagine it can get pretty frustrating when people come up to the desk all day long and point a finger in the general direction of the massive wall of books and say "I have those books right THERE on hold."
All that being said, The Strand has a really great system for ordering books. You just call and place your order and they find it in the 18 trillion miles of books (and growing) and wrap a rubber band around the books and place them behind the counter awaiting your eventual pickup. It's super efficient, just don't be rude and point your finger.
Happy Sukkot

I've lived in New York for many years now, but for some reason I have never heard of Sukkot before. The friendly driver was definitely excited that I was taking his picture. He asked me if I was Jewish and when I said no, he told me to Google "Sukkot" to find out more about the holiday (which I did). "Sukkot is a seven day holiday, with the first day celebrated as a full festival with special prayer services and holiday meals."
Several hours later, I went out to dinner with one of my friends who lives in Israel and was visiting New York for a night and I showed her the picture and because I was curious I asked her what "Happy Sukkot" was. Of course, I mistakenly pronounced it and said, "What's 'Happy Suck It?'" It's actually pronounced like "sue cot," but obviously I didn't know that. My knowledge of religious holidays is definitely pretty lacking. She thought my mispronunciation was pretty much totally hilarious and laughed and laughed at me. I laughed too. So everyone, if you're Jewish, I hope you have a Happy Sukkot and if you're not, well then you know what to do.
14th Street,
Union Square
October 5, 2009
October 4, 2009
October 3, 2009
Sandra Bullock's Graffiti Truck

I'll forgive some of the really crappy movies she's made because she seems like a pretty OK person. And besides, she drives a rad graffiti truck. I saw her parking this snazzy model on Saturday afternoon on 55th Street.
UPDATE: It's a joke people! I can't believe that some people actually think that Sandra Bullock drives this around the city. I mean, it would be totally cool if she did, but c'mon, celebrities don't really drive graffiti trucks.
55th Street,
7th Avenue,
Graffiti Truck
October 2, 2009
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