December 21, 2010
December 15, 2010
Above The Star
57th Street,
5th Avenue,
Bergdorf Goodman,
December 12, 2010
Pee-wee Herman on Broadway
43rd Street,
Pee-wee Herman
December 10, 2010
It's Like Halloween Never Ended
Anyway, I don't know quite know how to explain the face paint or the rest of his look, but it certainly makes a pretty good statement and I appreciate that. When I asked him to take his picture, he was more than happy to stop for a portrait. Beautiful.
2nd Avenue,
53rd Street,
December 1, 2010
November 16, 2010
What a Racquet!
Late Night Skittles
58th Street,
8th Avenue,
Duane Reade
November 12, 2010
Christmas and a Coffee Con
Today, as I was walking back and passing in front of the unbelievably and wildly overpriced supermarket pictured above, a reasonably articulate and casually dressed black man approached me. In New York City, when a stranger approaches you it's always startling for a second. Your guard immediately goes up, more so than it already is, but that's just the way it is. After you realize that the person is semi-normal or just a tourist or not otherwise frothing at the mouth it's really not such a big deal to tell them where Carnegie Hall is located or how to get to the F train. This morning, however, was slightly different.
I'm walking back with my morning coffee (I resisted the urge to get a couple of high calorie doughnuts) and this guy approaches me on the sidewalk. I must have jumped a bit or something because he immediately apologized and said sorry to bother me, but he didn't want anything. Whew. Everyone wants something.
Ok, so I am thinking to myself, what do you want then? He begins his lengthy explanation. Somehow he dropped his car keys in the sewer on the corner and it's wet and watery down there and he couldn't get them out with a coat hanger. Dubious enough, but I'm sort of intrigued where this story might be going. He says that everything is OK, he's not going to get towed, the traffic cop has already assured him of that. At this point, I should have just walked away because traffic cops in New York don't care if you are the man in the moon because you are so getting towed whether you dropped your keys or have a crying baby locked up in the back seat. Since I was in no particular rush and I sort of enjoy these versions of street theater I decided to continue to hear him out if for no other reason than my own personal amusement. He continued. He reassured me that he didn't want anything and that because his keys were dropped down somewhere irretrievably in the sewer that he needed to go home to the Bronx or some other distant borough to get his spare set. The man told me that he would give me his license to hold and....blah blah blah. Now he lost me. I just tuned him out completely. I don't want some stranger's license. I don't want to be bothered on the way home from getting my morning coffee. I don't want anything other than to drink my hot coffee. I am more than happy to tell you where to get a great bagel or which diner serves the best breakfast, the best exhibition at MoMA or even how to get to Carnegie Hall (practice!) or really any other basic thing, but holding your license while you take the imaginary bus back to the Bronx is way too much for 9:30am in the morning. Of course he wanted money. So I just lied and told him that I had no money on me and he actually thanked me and moved on, eager I am sure to find his next more gullible morning coffee con.
What would you have done? Most people in New York City, busy and rushed on their way to work on a Friday morning, probably wouldn't have even stopped for 5 seconds. At least I gave him an opportunity to work on his pitch.
Oh and the picture above is right outside where he stopped me. The city is crazed right now with every business installing Christmas lights and decorations. I sure wish they'd wait another week to give us a break between the holidays.
55th Street,
6th Avenue,
November 11, 2010
Art Party
Spencer Tunick
A Trip Down 57th Street
Rush hour on November 10, 2010.
57th Street,
5th Avenue,
Madison Avenue,
Park Avenue
November 6, 2010
Marathon Madness
57th Street,
6th Avenue,
New York City Marathon,
November 1, 2010
Halloween 2010
I went out for a delicious sushi dinner and then enjoyed everyone acting crazy and running around in costumes. As far as I could tell, everyone seemed super happy and like they were having a really good time. I'll all for that.
October 30, 2010
Halloween Cupcakes
56th Street,
7th Avenue,
October 29, 2010
Two Months Until Christmas
Case in point is the above picture which I shot on October 8th. I know that Barnes & Noble at Lincoln Center is closing after the 2010 Holiday season, but who came up with the brilliant idea to yank out the Christmas wrapping paper in early October and display it all over the main floor? Do the sales execs at B&N actually think that anyone who is not completely sane would buy gift wrap in October? I know times are tough, but that doesn't mean we want to be whacked over the head with anything even remotely dealing with Christmas before Halloween. What's next, Easter baskets in January?
And what's up with the kid with the glasses? I think he was as shocked as I was. This is a really good way to ruin Columbus Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving for everyone, Barnes & Noble.
October 26, 2010
Gnip Gnop
For a Monday night charity table tennis tournament (models vs. whoever else), the place was reasonably full, if only because there were globs of models and semi-famous actors there for the breast cancer charity event. I don't know how it fares on other nights of the week. Unfortunately, you can't really see any models in my picture, but just imagine a bunch of tall thin girls with long hair wearing tight black pants and tank tops and you'll get the idea. I didn't see Susan Sarandon (she's an investor in the place), but I wasn't really looking for her either. I saw lots of models or wanna-be models. I mostly liked the green floor. I admired that. I said hello to a few people that I just happen to know and then it was off to other events and happenings in the big city.
For the record, I'm not so bad at table tennis. Anyone want to play?
I must say that I also like Gnip Gnop. It's just as fun and you can play at home. We had this toy growing up. Add it to the Christmas list.
October 7, 2010
Bruce Willis' Graffiti Truck
Bruce Willis,
Graffiti Truck,
Lexington Avenue
October 6, 2010
I haven't been uploading very many new pictures lately. Not sure why, but I have a ton of photographs that I have just never posted. Some are good and some are great. I delete the really bad ones. I suppose I've been distracted. Sometimes I feel like posting and sometimes I don't.
September 27, 2010
How Not To Ride A Bike
1. No helmet
2. No hands
3. Flip flops!
4. Talking on cell phone
I wanted to bump into him just ever so slightly so that he crashed horribly on the pavement, but realized just in time that it wouldn't be so nice. I'm ok with the no helmet in the park, but surely get a headset for talking in the park and the flip flop bike riding is only ever OK near a beach. Your rules may differ.
September 15, 2010
Fashion Week
Here's a smart tip, good manners go a long way. So always remember when you return your suits to the closet that there's no need to be offensive to someone you just met. Even if you are wearing a goofy plaid suit.
Fashion Week,
Hudson Street,
Leroy Street
September 13, 2010
The Truth About Shopping
A lot of people love shopping and I think that this article is probably one of the most informative articles I've ever read on the subject.
57th Street,
Madison Avenue,
Big Mac Attack
East Side Serious
Random Midtown Corner
Directly across from the the architectural monstrosity called Trump Tower is the busy NYC location of Abercrombie & Fitch. The worst thing about it, aside from the idiotic line to get in, is that they pump tons of A&F scent into the street and it smells awful. If you are allergic to bad cologne and find yourself in Midtown, steer clear of this corner. You can see Tiffany's and Louis Vuitton in the background. Gucci is across the street too. It's a busy retail location.
I have no idea who the gentleman is who happened to be standing there right at the precise moment I took the photo, but I must have seen his blue jacket and I decided to capture his stoic countenance. So good and serious.
56th Street,
5th Avenue,
Abercrombie Fitch,
Louis Vuitton,
Trump Tower
September 12, 2010
August 12, 2010
Open Door Policy
In case you are wondering, the car is a Lotus.
Three other automobile related things I just noticed in picture. (1) Stylish looking woman wearing white trenchcoat and smoking is carrying a Mercedes Benz tote bag. (2) Zipcar office in background. (3) Food establishment on corner called "Speedy's."
August 9, 2010
Dominican Devils
I later found out they were part of the the 28th Annual Dominican Day Parade where New York's Dominican community comes out to celebrate their heritage with dancers, musicians and bold costumes on 6th Avenue in Midtown. There's always something going on in NYC. I don't even have to barely step outside the front door to find something unique and interesting. I suppose this is why I pay so much to live here. Enjoy the photos. Buy an Andy Warhol book.
56th Street,
6th Avenue,
Dominican Day Parade
August 7, 2010
Saturday Siesta
It's amazing how much traffic I am getting from all over the world. Click the map to the right a few times to blow it up full screen and see where. Also buy a copy of my new Andy Warhol book, "The Autobiography and Sex Life of Andy Warhol." It's inexpensive and if you like art and appreciate great photography you are sure to enjoy it. It's less than $30 on Amazon. What a bargain!
August 3, 2010
Street Bracelets
44th Street,
6th Avenue,
Street Fair
Happy Ice Cream
Shirts at the Strand
This one caught my eye mostly because I can't imagine that J.D. Salinger's heirs would give permission for this cover to be exploited so brazenly, but they probably don't control the rights to the image and now that he's dead who really cares anyway. I always thought his "don't publish club, don't talk about don't publish club" credo was a little bit of a put-on anyway. If he didn't want to publish his writing it's really no big deal since it seems he kind of went off the proverbial deep end back in the mid-60s. Besides his behavior was really odd in the years to follow no matter how you look at it and I'm sure his writing was more "Raise High The Roof Beam" than "Catcher in the Rye."
At least someone's making some money off these shirts.
July 30, 2010
Lunch Time
July 21, 2010
Stoop Sitting
July 13, 2010
Lights at Night
I haven't been very good about posting lately. I've been preoccupied with a million other things and it seem that every time I think to get around to posting, it's always so late and I feel too tired to post anything. I have been taking a lot of pictures, some good, mostly bad. I am going to try to be better about it. I have been good about riding my bike a lot lately. 10-15 miles a day or so. I am in really good shape now so that's something to feel good about.
July 3, 2010
Norwegian Elevator Constructors Union

The email I got was from the Norwegian Elevator Constructors Union asking about a picture they had seen on this very blog. They were writing an upcoming article about escalators, especially the old wooden ones, and wanted to know if they could use a picture for their member's magazine which is published a few times a year. Even though there was no fee for the usage, I said "Sure, go ahead and use my picture." The picture they liked was the one I took of the old wooden escalators in Macy's. It is sort of fitting that this comes up today as tomorrow is the great big Macy's 4th of July Fireworks show. At any rate, the original photograph ran here a little over a year ago in May, 2009.
Months have passed and I had almost forgotten about it until I when to get the mail today. There was a large white envelope from Norway and contained in it was my complimentary issue of the magazine. Even though I can't read a single word of it (since it's entirely in Norwegian), I was pleasantly surprised to see that not only did they use my picture "in" the magazine, they used my picture on the cover. In some ways I suppose this makes me a professional photographer now. It seems these kinds of things happen to me all the time. One day I decide to start a blog of random pictures and the next one of my picture is selected to appear on the cover of a magazine.
I feel a little bit like they owe me a payment. There's a big difference between using the picture in the magazine and using it for the entire cover in full color, don't you think?
July 1, 2010
Gwyneth Paltrow's Graffiti Truck
I came across this one parked way out in Queens by MoMA PS1. It's obviously way cheaper to park out there and a lot easier for her to get a spot than in the overcrowded West Village.
Graffiti Truck,
Gwyneth Paltrow,
June 30, 2010
Hey Asshole!
Is it any surprise that instead of thanking me for taking such a wonderful portrait that this guy/woman, proceeded to scream obscenities at me (including the wonderful blog title above) in broad daylight and literally chase me down the street? I had to actually run away. I took off in the direction of the Museum of Modern Art and deftly eluded capture. You know you don't have a great picture until you have to run to get it.
I see this guy around a lot in my neighborhood. In 85 degree heat he's usually seen dressed in his stylish bright red jacket and scarf while lugging a couple of roller suitcases filled with God knows what. Most notably though, if you're lucky to catch him on a good day, you'll see him/her with a full face of lipstick smeared all around his lips. It's crazy interesting so if you have an extra compact to donate to the homeless, I know someone in need.
54th Street,
6th Avenue,
June 29, 2010
Gagosian Shop
We had a really fun time hanging out and signing books at Gagosian. They have an amazing selection of books, limited edition posters and prints and all sorts of stuff I would want to buy. Everyone was really nice at the shop and John told a bunch of great stories about the time he spent with Marilyn Monroe back in the 1950s. After the signing we went out for a celebratory dinner at Elaine's way up on the Upper East Side.
It was a great time. Wish you were there!
77th Street,
Andy Warhol,
Madison Avenue
June 28, 2010
An Afternoon Stroll
72nd Street,
Madison Avenue,
June 22, 2010
Sienna Miller's Graffiti Truck
This location is close to the Burger Joint at Le Parker Meridien where every star visiting the area grabs a burger and fries. It's also only a block or two down the street if she needs to run in and pick up something at Bergdorf Goodman, Louis Vuitton, Chanel or even the Apple Store.
June 15, 2010
American Elm
Can Collecting
June 11, 2010
Love NYC Style
When you and your spouse-to-be come to New York to get married you're definitely going to get those precious photographs of the two of you that you'll cherish for a lifetime. You only have to make sure you do it just right.
For best results, I recommend that you pick the absolute busiest time of the day. A few minutes after 5pm is ideal for the perfect light and catching hundreds of thousands of people headed out of work in the concrete jungle. Also make sure you take your photographs smack in the middle of Midtown right next to one of the most photographed landmark art sculptures in the city as well. You'll also want to commandeer a super busy bus stop, push everyone out of the way and work around the tourists and elderly gentlemen waiting for the Uptown local. No one will mind one bit. Of course, you should try to ignore the extremely smelly homeless man who's been using the bench as his see-through bedroom. Also don't worry if there are multiple bags of trash strewn carelessly about the sidewalk. You'll probably want to photoshop these out of your photos, but I think all this adds to the realism of the location.
I didn't intend to be a wedding photographer, but I think I got the shot.
55th Street,
6th Avenue,
May 25, 2010
May 24, 2010
The Balloons at the End
11th Avenue,
56th Street,
LCD Soundsystem,
Terminal 5
May 19, 2010
Out of Business

Umbrella Pole

58th Street,
Madison Avenue,
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